Hi D187 Families,
We're happy you're here! We want to help kids feel their best.
Did you know many children today face challenges like anxiety and sadness? That's why we're working with Midwest PBIS, CharacterStrong and Restorative Practices for Social-Emotional Learning across all schools, CYN Counseling Center at Evelyn Alexander, NMSA, and NCCHS, The Josselyn Center services at Alexander and Forrestal, and McGaw Northwestern for 6th-12th graders at NMSA. Our partners teach kids essential skills to deal with these feelings and succeed in school.
Increasing a sense of belonging for all students,
Improving skills that support student well-being
Increasing empathy for people and communities
Understand their emotions
Make good friends
Set goals
Feel good about themselves
Learning these skills can help kids feel more confident and ready to learn! Please view the links below to learn more about our programs and partners.
District Social Emotional Curriculum - Character Strong
District Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports PBIS
District Mental Health and Referrals ReferralGPS
Student Supports Services: CYN Youth and Family Counseling Center
Student Support Services: McGaw Medical Center's Family Medicine Residency Program
Family and Student Support Services: SGA Youth & Family Services
Restorative Practices In-school Support NewRoot Partnership
Please get in touch with your school social worker or counselor for information and support.
Nicole Johnson, Director of Student Achievement