Reading Power is:
– Led by professionals
– Powered by trained volunteers
– Professionally developed based on cutting-edge, research-based curricula
– Occurs during the school day three – five days a week
Since 2003, over 3,000 children who struggled to read and write have received one-to-one tutoring, accelerating their learning and changing their lives, and the lives of their tutors, in incalculable ways. Our success is documented both quantitatively and qualitatively. In addition to tutoring, Reading Power serves as an advocate for our students, distributes books for children to own, keeps in contact with parents, and works closely with school officials.
Reading Power’s prekindergarten program was developed to provide opportunities for oral language development through high quality literature and conversation. This is our only push-in model and all children have opportunities to read with our tutors.
Our one-to-one first grade tutoring intervention is modeled in part after Project Prevent, a program developed by National-Louis University, and incorporates facets of Reading Recovery, an internationally renowned, early intervention literacy program created by educational researcher Marie Clay. The kindergarten and second grade curricula were developed by Reading Power Founder Dr. Mary Jane Hender for the North Chicago elementary schools and adapted for use by volunteer tutors. Reading Power has proven success in improving students’ literacy. Reading Power students have consistently demonstrated two to seven times the literacy gains compared to their non-tutored peers. Students are selected using data and in collaboration with school staff.