Half-Cap 2023-2024

The Halfway Mark!

2026 at NCCHS! Can you believe we've already reached the halfway point of your NCCHS journey?

The NCCHS Sophomore Half Cap Ceremony at the NCCHS Auditorium was a blast! We got to recognize all the hard work and achievements with a Funnel Cake Truck!

Thank you to the D187 NCCHS team members for hosting the event. It was a fantastic time to reflect on accomplishments and get hyped for the exciting road ahead!

#ThisIsHowWeDoIt #Classof2026

Half-Cap 2023-2024Half-Cap 2023-2024Half-Cap 2023-2024Half-Cap 2023-2024Half-Cap 2023-2024Half-Cap 2023-2024Half-Cap 2023-2024Half-Cap 2023-2024Half-Cap 2023-2024Half-Cap 2023-2024Half-Cap 2023-2024Half-Cap 2023-2024Half-Cap 2023-2024Half-Cap 2023-2024Half-Cap 2023-2024Half-Cap 2023-2024